All the best to the Drive Fitness running team participating in the Gold Coast Running Festival over there weekend. We have runners in the 2km Kids Dash, 10km, 21km & 42km events! I look forward to catching up with all of you at the Drive Fitness marquee at some point over the weekend - I'll be there for every event cheering you all own from the sideline (except for the Marathon where I'll be running right there with you!). Check out meeting locations for the pre-race warm ups, meeting times & more here (ps it's not too late to join our team, anyone up for a last minute entry?!?)...


The Drive Fitness team marquee will be set up on the ocean side of the race course near where Smith St meets the Gold Coast HW (near the bait and tackle shop usually). Keep a look out for the Drive Fitness Marquee - it's easy to find and I'll post a photo on our Facebook page when it's up so you can see exactly where we are.

Feel welcome to use our marquee as a place to catch up with other Drive Fitness runners & hang out to support the runners as they pass by. Bring a chair, picnic rug, drinks and food if you like and you can leave jumpers and food at the marquee while you run (don't leave vaulables in case it gets left unattended). 

If you have any questions please feel welcome to contact me (Dave) directly on 0402 358 127. I'll be there for all events including the kid's races & will have my phone on me all weekend so call at any time. See you all there, have fun & I hope you achieve what you've set out to accomplish!


  • 10km - Saturday 30 June - Starts @ 6:30am

    • Meet at Drive Fitness Marquee at 5:45am for warm up and to allow time to arrive in start zone.

  • 21km - Sunday 1 July - Starts @ 6am

    • Meet at Drive Fitness Marquee at 5:15am for warm up and to allow time to arrive in start zone.

  • 42km - Sunday 1 July - Starts @ 7:20am

    • Meet at Drive Fitness Marquee at 6:35am for warm up and to allow time to arrive in start zone.