I originally came to Drive Fitness to improve my strength, for weight loss & for my self confidence. This has now grown into me completing obstacle course races, long distance running & the Drive Fitness strength challenges. My greatest achievements at Drive Fitness are losing 10kg, going from a size 36 to 32 inch waist and completing trifecta spartan races.
— Peter


“I lost 14.9kg and 10.3% of body fat in 10 weeks. I am now at a point where I can focus on my next challenge... Taking on an individual triathlon in 2018”* - Scott


"I’ve been able to compete in events with my family & friends that I didn’t ever think would be possible. I’ve done Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, my first marathon last year & my first olympic distance triathlon this year. The Drive Fitness personal trainers will always support you with whatever goals you want to achieve.”* - Belinda