Starting Monday 13 June, for first time ever, the Drive Fitness 8 Week Transformation Challenge is teams only with the winning team taking home a $1000 cash prize to be shared between the team members. The winning team will be determined by taking into consideration the results of all team members so you’re encouraged to hold each other accountable throughout the 8 week period.

You can enter a team of between 2-10 people which makes it perfect for couples, families, groups of friends, work colleagues, personal training or boot camp training partners and we can even help find a team for you if you don’t have one.

The Team Edition includes everything regularly included in our 8 Week Transformation Challenges but with the added team component. Find out more, check out some of our past results, get a team together and join the 8 Week Transformation Challenge Team Edition here...

“The thing I’ve enjoyed most about training at Drive Fitness is being able to achieve my goal of doing 10 push ups on my toes - that was really exciting for me. The other this is getting back my self-confidence especially after having 2 kids it made me feel like my old self again and that was really valuable to me.”* - Jodi

“I lost 14.9kg and 10.3% of body fat in 10 weeks. I am now at a point where I can focus on my next challenge... Taking on an individual triathlon in 2018”* - Scott

“I joined Drive Fitness 2 years ago because as a working mum with two children and a very busy job I was struggling to carve out time to do exercise. I am now fit enough to comfortably do 6 x 1 hour exercise sessions per week and I find this invaluable for my mental health and to stay on top of the stress of my work and family commitments. There has never been a day when I have not wanted to go to training.”* - Sue


  • Initial & final body composition scanning performed on medical grade body composition analyser - InBody 570. You'll receive a detailed report outlining your;

    • Total skeletal muscle mass

    • Total body fat in kilograms

    • Total body fat percentage

    • Visceral fat

    • Total body water

    • Segmental muscle and fat analysis

    • Bone mineral content

    • Basal metabolic rate

  • Personalised nutrition goals including calorie and protein targets.

  • Online food diary that communicates directly to your trainer for monitoring & accountability.

  • Detailed healthy eating food plan including calorie, protein, carbohydrate and fat breakdown for all meals.

  • Weekly body weight workouts to follow online using the Drive Fitness app.

  • Weekly healthy habit goals designed to support your nutrition and training.

  • Your choice of personal training, group boot camp sessions & online workouts - whatever combination works best for you, your availability & your goals. We can help you decide on the most suitable program.

  • Online Info Night detailing all aspects of the challenge and how it works.

  • Nutrition info delivered via video so you can watch them at any time.

  • Online community group connecting all participants in the challenge with each other and their trainer.

  • Prize for the best 'healthy' overall team transformation.


“I lost 20kg of body fat & gained 1.3kg of muscle mass in 10 weeks and I’ve seen improvements aerobically and in my strength. I’m feeling excited about my results and looking forward to the next challenge.”* - David

“During the 10 week challenge this year, I dropped a further 2 dress sizes, shed 4.8kg of fat and gained 400g of muscle. I would highly recommend the 10 week challenge as a program to transform your health, retrain your habits and learn to make better lifestyle choices."* - Robyn

"I lost 5.7kg of body fat & gained 600g of muscle. I've also learnt so much more about what I'm eating and my nutrition & how to balance that properly and to know that it's not always good to eat less and less food, you have to feed your body the right food for the exercise that you're doing. I'm really proud of myself, my friends are proud of me, my family is proud of me and I just feel so healthy and so good about life."* - Wendy


We’re not about short term results or ‘health kicks’ at Drive Fitness, we’re focused on the bigger picture and sustainable long term outcomes. That being said, we also understand the power of positive proximity when people on the same or similar journey work alongside each other with a common goal in mind. It adds massive accountability and huge motivation and ultimately helps to achieve greater, long term results. Our 8 Week Transformation Challenge helps to harness this potential with the intention of creating healthy habits that continue beyond the 8 week period.


The main thing that sets our 8 Week Transformation Challenge apart from every other 'weight loss challenge' is that it's not focused on body weight change. We focus on overall body composition with an emphasis on lowering body fat & increasing lean muscle mass to achieve a healthy transformation.

During the challenge we'll be monitoring the process - this includes your exercise & your eating (the things you can control). We are putting the focus back on the 'controllables' and removing the emphasis from the things out of your control and the number on the scales.


You should join our challenge if you’re looking for a healthy body composition transformation & the setting up of healthy exercise & eating habits.


It's not a requirement of the challenge to take before & after photos but you're more than welcome to for your own records. Our Drive Fitness app allows you to upload & compare your before & after photos and this is kept between you and your trainer and is completely optional.


Do you have a friend who would be interested in or could benefit from the Drive Fitness 8 Week Transformation challenge? Invite them to join you for the journey and get results together!

If you bring a friend who hasn’t trained at Drive Fitness before you’ll receive a complimentary entry into the 8 Week Transformation Challenge. Just a little ‘thank you’ from us for telling your friends about Drive Fitness (we really appreciate it).


If you’d like to share your results from a previous transformation challenge we’d really appreciate it. It helps to inspire others to take action with their goals and it also helps us show people what we do here at Drive Fitness. We’d like to give you a complimentary challenge entry to say thank you for allowing us to share your story, you can share your results from a previous challenge here…


The Drive Fitness personal training team will determine a winning team by comparing the results of the initial and final body composition scans for all team members. We are focused on an overall body composition change with an emphasis on lowering body fat (if necessary) & increasing / maintaining lean muscle mass to achieve a healthy transformation. Previous challenge participation and results will be taken into consideration when determining winners.


To add a little extra motivation there is a $1000 cash prize for the wining team to be shared evenly between team members.

Our intention of running the 8 Week Transformation Challenge is not just to acknowledge our winners but to provide a powerful motivator to help everyone take action with their health & fitness goals. We know a prize for winning helps with this!


The 8 Week Transformation Challenge has an entry fee of $60 which includes your 2 body composition scans (start & finish), healthy eating food plan, personalised nutrition goals, body weight training program, info night & more.

There is also the option to add a 3rd body scan at the mid-way mark of the challenge for those that feel it will be helpful. An additional scan is $30 and will be arranged between weeks 4-5.

Regular Drive Fitness prices apply during the challenge period for your training sessions: click here to see our full price list...


Scans are in 15min blocks with 5 spots available per block. Bookings are essential and they will open one week in advance of the challenge start date. Team members do not need to scan at the same time slot.

Login in to your account > Click enrol in the menu > navigate to the date of the scan > click Enrol.


Call me (Dave) on 0402 358 127 or send me an email at

“Why has it taken me 67 years to find out that I can enjoy a great Shiraz and a mouthwatering eye fillet and at the same time remain healthy? Just don’t have one every night. No one ever told me that or maybe I just didn’t want to listen. I achieved a weight loss of 7.4kg, fat loss of 7.3kg & a % Fat Loss 4.5%. I am diabetic type 2 and these past 3 months have improved my condition as well. There is still a long way to go but I am proud of the effort I have put in these past 3 months and for the first time in ages I feel comfortable in my skin and my clothes.”* - Rob

“It feels great being able to say in just 10 weeks I've taken 10cm off my beer gut (lost 8.1kg of body fat) and gained muscle mass (600g) while doing it. Even a few weeks into the challenge the results were showing and that helped keep my mind on track. Seeing the final numbers really sinks in just how good the result can be from sticking to the plan and making a go of it.”* - Michael

“I have lost a total of 15kgs, I have stomped around stadiums, ran the 10km Bridge to Brisbane when I had signed up to walk it, smashed the 10 Week (Transformation) Challenge with an honourable mention and surprised myself with my success in various Drive Fitness challenges throughout the year.”* - Rachael



  • Monday 13 June: Initial body composition scanning @ Drive Fitness Tarragindi:

    • 5-8am

    • 9:30-10:30am

    • 4-7pm

  • Wednesday 15 June - Online Info Night 7 - 8pm streamed via ZOOM. Nutrition info delivered by pre-recorded videos in advance so any questions can be addressed at the info night.

  • Monday 4 July - Friday 15 July - mid way body scans for those who opted to add a 3rd scan to their challenge entry

  • Friday 5 August: Final body composition scanning @ Drive Fitness Tarragindi:

    • 5-8am

    • 9:30-10:30am

    • 4-7pm

  • Friday 12 August - Winners of the 8 Week Transformation Challenge announced!

*If you are unable to make the body scan booking times but would like to participate in the 8 Week Transformation Challenge please contact me (Dave) to discuss other options on 0402 358 127 or

*Please note that results may vary from person to person.