I hope you’re enjoying the 4 Week Workout Series so far. Things are really about to pick up in week 3! Are you ready to find out how? Checkout workout 3 and full details about the 4 WWS here...

WORKOUT 3 - 100 Burpees & Max Hang

Complete 100 burpees as fast as possible, rest for no more than 30 seconds before hanging for as long as possible. This is a 2 part workout where the time of part 2 (hang) is subtracted from the time of part 1 (100 burpees) to achieve your finishing time and score.

  • 100 Burpees (chest to ground)

  • 30 seconds rest

  • Max hang (2 hands must stay in contact with the bar the whole time)


The 4 Week Workout Series is a ‘once a year event’ that involves 4 challenging workouts for you to complete during your personal training sessions - 1 workout each week for 4 weeks. You can use your results as your own fitness bench mark or you can compare your score with other participants & your personal trainer (yes, we'll all be doing it too).

Everyone who trains at Drive Fitness is welcome to take part in the 4 Week Workout Series. It's not about winning but about taking on new challenges and finding ways to keep training varied & exciting. If you're interested in participating let your trainer know so we can help you prepare.  It doesn't have to be competitive - I encourage everyone to give It a go and use it in a way that benefits your training.


  • Workouts will require a combination of strength, fitness & technique and are deliberately designed to be challenging.

  • Workouts will include a combination of exercises that you typically encounter in your personal training sessions, your trainer will help you prepare in advance so you can complete the workouts safely.

  • Workouts are to be completed during your personal training session within the scheduled week - 1 workout each week for the 4 week period.

  • Workouts will be announced at least 1 week in advance of the scheduled start date.

  • Each workout will be scored and the scores from all 4 workouts will be combined to find overall 1st, 2nd & 3rd for for men and women.


At the end of each week your overall place will become your score - 1 point for 1st place, 2 points for 2nd place, 3 points for 3rd place and so on. Tied scores will receive the same place (and score), missed workouts will be scored as last place (highest score possible). At the end of the 4 weeks your 4 scores for each of the 4 workouts will be added together to get your overall score. Lower your score the better!

If you would like more info about the Drive fitness 4 Week Workout Series have a chat with your trainer or give me (Dave) a call on 0402 358 127 or email dave@drivefitness.com.au.