I lost almost 4kg and dropped 5% body fat while keeping the same muscle mass. Even though I didn’t have a huge amount of weight to lose, Im really pleased with the result. I can see the difference in the mirror and in my clothes that are too big! I havent been this weight for 7 years!
— Carol

Please tell us about your results: I lost almost 4kg and dropped 5% body fat while keeping the same muscle mass. I'm pretty happy with that!

Please tell us how your trainer helped you achieve your results: Carsten kept me motivated by checking in with me every week to see how I was going with all aspects of the program, giving me tips to stay on track and not giving me too hard a time if I didn't have a great week!

Please tell us how achieving your results makes you feel: Even though I didn't have a huge amount of weight to lose, Im really pleased with the result. I can see the difference in the mirror and in my clothes that are too big! I havent been this weight for 7 years!

Please tell us about your training highlights: General improvement in feeling fitter and stronger at training sessions, getting a bench press personal best and even seeing outside of personal training that my fitness is improving.


“During the 10 week challenge this year, I dropped a further 2 dress sizes, shed 4.8kg of fat and gained 400g of muscle. I would highly recommend the 10 week challenge as a program to transform your health, retrain your habits and learn to make better lifestyle choices."* - Robyn



"I dropped 11.6kg over a 10 week period. I'm going to try and lose another 5kg over the next couple months and I've already signed up to compete in the Brisbane to Bridge 5km run in August."* - Darren