Stretching - How, When & Why?

Stretching is just one important part of mobility training and we'll be looking at 2 types in this video; (1) dynamic / ballistic stretching & (2) static stretching. There are other types of stretching but we won't be touching on them here.

1. Dynamic / Ballistic: Involves moving the muscles and joints through the largest range of motion possible without causing undue pain or discomfort. Perform before training to warm up muscles & connective tissues to prepare them for training and reduce the risk of injury.

2. Static: Involves holding the muscles in a stretched position at the greatest range of motion possible without causing any undue pain or discomfort. Perform after training to loosen tight muscles and assist recovery.

It's important to remember that stretching and mobility training needs to be specific for you, your goals & your training program. If you'd like to find out more about specific stretches for you feel welcome to get in touch with us anytime.