It was awesome seeing all of the great photos of your favourite exercises during week 1 of the #drivefitnessphotochallenge.

Congratulations to our week 1 winner Jasper (@monsieurjean_) & our 2 runners up Brooke (@brooke.star84) & Ainsley (@_mizz_ally_cat_).

Every week our winner will take home a $50 Drive Fitness card and our 2 runners up will get a choice of a Drive Fitness singlet, shirt, visor or drink bottle. You can see all photos from week 1 on Instagram here #drivefitnessphotochallengeweek1.

We can’t wait to see your week 2 photos and remember it’s just for fun. For full Photo Challenge details and week 2 instructions click here…

@monsieurjean_What I love about rowing excercise is that it is one of the most efficient cardiovascular exercises that requires both upper and lower body to work cohesively. It challenges your strength, stamina and endurance, whilst training your rh…


What I love about rowing excercise is that it is one of the most efficient cardiovascular exercises that requires both upper and lower body to work cohesively. It challenges your strength, stamina and endurance, whilst training your rhythm and breathing. The machine is as strong as you are, the harder you row, the harder the resistant, as if it is designed to always get you a step further and better than you are right at that very moment. It’s you VS you.

@brooke.star84DF photo challenge - favourite exercise. DIPS!!! Love them or hate them dips are a fantastic exercise that doesn’t need high-tech equipment and can be done anywhere. PLUS It’s super easy to stagger progression. Here I was doing 12 reps…


DF photo challenge - favourite exercise. DIPS!!! Love them or hate them dips are a fantastic exercise that doesn’t need high-tech equipment and can be done anywhere. PLUS It’s super easy to stagger progression. Here I was doing 12 reps on a high resistance band. After which I progressed and completed 2 x 12 at lower-resistance. Un-assisted dips, here I come! I just need to learn not to say ‘can’t!’ Hey Mike Willoughby!

@_mizz_ally_cat_Fitness doesn’t have to be conventional - Work Fitness is my thing! I guess you could call these modified farmers walks and modified sled. 😉


Fitness doesn’t have to be conventional - Work Fitness is my thing! I guess you could call these modified farmers walks and modified sled. 😉