The 10 Week Transformation Challenge starts in 1 week on Monday 27 August & it's time to book for the initial body composition scan and info night. Click here to find out how & book in now...

If you haven't registered for the 10 Week Transformation Challenge yet, click here... Please note that you can't book your scan until you have registered. 

How to book in for the body scan & info night...

  • Click here to log into your Drive Fitness account...

  • Click on 'ENROL' in the menu.

  • Navigate to Monday 27 August for the initial body scan, choose a time slot and location and enrol. There are 7 scanning spots available every 15 mins & time slots are limited.

  • Navigate to Tuesday 28 August for the info night, 7-8/8:30pm @ Tarragindi studio. Please bring a camp stool / easily transportable seat if possible due to limited seating available at the studio. Thank you.

    • If this is your first 10 Week Transformation Challenge with Drive Fitness I strongly recommend making it along to the info night. If you've done a 10 Week Transformation Challenge with us before you are still invited to attend but it will be similar to previous challenges. The info night content will include:

      • How to interpret the body composition scan results & set your goals moving forward.

      • How to use the home workout program and food plan

      • How we calculate your nutrition goals for calorie & protein targets

      • Nutrition break down by food group with opportunity to ask questions.

If you have any question about booking in your scan or the 10 Week Transformation Challenge please contact me (Dave) on 0402 358 127 or