Sophia lost 11.3kg of body fat in 10 weeks & ran 5km. She feels more confident and motivated to achieve more goals in the future. 

Sophia lost 11.3kg of body fat in 10 weeks & ran 5km. She feels more confident and motivated to achieve more goals in the future. 

In 10 weeks I achieved a total weight loss of 13.1kg, fat loss of 11.3kg and a fat loss percentage of 7.3%. I also achieved my own side goal of running 5km.
— Sophia

As a result of the 10 week transformation challenge I achieved a total weight loss of 13.1kg, fat loss of 11.3kg & a fat loss percentage of 7.3%. I also achieved my own side goal of running 5km.

I used to really enjoy fitness and training but found myself in a bit of a rut with it all. I was having a slight glitch with my health which had me in and out of hospital and undergoing 4 surgeries within 2 years. After every surgery and recovery I was able to get myself some what back on track. My last surgery however I really struggled with, recovery was harder and I quickly adopted the attitude of "why bother getting back on track when it could happen again". After about a year and a half of using this excuse and gaining weight I decided to reach out to Drive Fitness and a few months later signed up for the 10 Week Transformation Challenge.

I feel so refreshed and motivated and am so greatful to the team at Drive Fitness for getting me to where I am. I know not all of will be smooth sailing but it's comforting to know there are great trainers and the Drive Fitness community behind you all the way.

I found Dave's information session to be really informative and a good way to kick start the challenge. My trainer Josh was a major support throughout the whole thing. Josh made every training session different and challenging. He did his best to answer any questions and made himself available outside of training sessions as well. Thank you!
Also thanks to previous trainer Jared for getting me started on this challenge and always checking in through out.

I am really proud of my results, they have made me feel more confident in myself and more balanced in my life. Most of all my results have made me feel motivated to set and achieve more goals in the future.