It was another great turn out for the Drive Fitness Team Rowing Challenge on Saturday 16 April! 88 rowers in 22 teams of 4 (2 men & 2 women each team) participated in a 2000m team relay with each team member rowing 2 bouts of 250m. 

Well done to all rowers and a special congratulations to our winning team of Nick, Declan, Steph & Stef with a time of 6:54.06. Only .4 of a second separated 2nd, 3rd & 4th place - check out how close it was in the photo below of the final results. 

Thank you to all Drive Fitness clients for your great participation and encouragement to each other - it was an amazing Drive Fitness event made possible by all of you. The full photo gallery can be seen below and a video highlights package will be online in the next few days.

If you could help us improve the rowing challenge by completing this quick 7 question feedback survey I'd really appreciate it: click here to complete the feedback survey now.