If you're just getting started with Drive Fitness for the first time you will need to set up your Influx account. Influx allows you to book in for sessions, see workout results and track your attendance. It is easy & fast to use. This is how to get started.

  1. You should receive an email from 'Influx' inviting you to create your own account after you get started with Drive Fitness. If you haven't received the email invitation it could be for one of the following reasons.
    1. The email is in you junk folder. Please check this first before doing anything else.
    2. The email we have for you is incorrect. Please send me an email to dave@drivefitness.com.au from your best email address and I will update it for you.
  2. Follow the link in the email invitation and create an account. Your email address will be your username and you will have to create your password.
  3. Login in here https://influxapp.com/login and starting booking in for sessions. Easy as that!
  4. Find out how to install the Influx app for your smart phone and tablet here.