Over 20 Drive Fitness team members conquered the Brisbane Spartan Race on Saturday 16 May! Well done to everyone for making it through with great finishing times and injury free - that's a real credit to the hard work you put in to your training on the lead up.

The Brisbane Spartan Race challenged all Drive Fitness teams members with rope climbs & traverses, sand bag hill climbs, creek walks, army crawls under barbwire & much more. All our fitness & strength training in personal training & boot camp must of paid off with all Drive Fitness team members overcoming most, if not all, obstacles. 

A special congratulations to Claire Benham & Lisa Duncan who took out 1st & 3rd place respectively in their category. That's an amazing result! Check out full Brisbane Spartan Race results here...

If you would like to join our Spartan Race team for next year chat to your trainer about starting your preparation early.