Well done to everyone who took on the beep test this morning. Check out your results here and compare with the table of norms to help set your next beep test goal. Our next beep test will be in February/March next year - plenty of time to improve! 

  • Jo R: 4.3
  • Sam H: 4.9
  • Angela B: 6.1
  • Jenn W: 6.2
  • Jackie S: 6.4
  • Narelle L: 7.0
  • Jen R: 7.1
  • Steph K: 7.1
  • Teal B: 7.3
  • Carly R: 7.7
  • Jane W: 8.2
  • John F: 9.2
  • Lisa D: 9.9
  • Steve T: 10.?
  • Nick F: 10.1
  • Matt V: 10.1
  • Claire B: 10.1
  • Greg S: 10.2
  • Graham S: 10.8
  • Carsten G: 12.1
  • David M: 12.2
  • David E: 12.5


fairbelow averageaveragegoodvery goodexcellentsuperior
12 - 13 yrs< 3/33/4 - 5/15/2 - 6/46/5 - 7/57/6 - 8/88/9 - 10/9> 10/9
14 - 15 yrs< 4/74/7 - 6/16/2 - 7/47/5 - 8/98/10 - 9/89/9 - 12/2> 12/2
16 - 17 yrs< 5/15/1 - 6/86/9 - 8/28/3 - 9/99/10 - 11/311/4 - 13/7> 13/7
18 - 25 yrs< 5/25/2 - 7/17/2 - 8/58/6 - 10/110/2 - 11/511/6 - 13/10> 13/10
26 - 35 yrs< 5/25/2 - 6/56/6 - 7/97/10 - 8/98/10 - 10/610/7 - 12/9>12/9
36 - 45 yrs< 3/83/8 - 5/35/4 - 6/46/5 - 7/77/8 - 8/98/10 - 11/3> 11/3
46 - 55 yrs< 3/63/6 - 4/64/7 - 5/55/6 - 6/66/7 - 7/77/8 - 9/5> 9/5
56 - 65 yrs< 2/72/7 - 3/63/7 - 4/84/9 - 5/65/7 - 6/86/9 - 8/4> 8/4
> 65 yrs< 2/22/2 - 2/52/6 - 3/73/8 - 4/84/9 - 6/16/2 - 7/2> 7/2

fair  below average averagegoodvery goodexcellentsuperior
12 - 13 yrs< 2/62/6- 3/53/6- 5/15/2 - 6/16/2 - 7/47/5 - 9/3> 9/3
14 - 15 yrs< 3/33/4 - 5/25/3 - 6/46/5 - 7/57/6 - 8/78/8 - 10/7> 10/7
16 - 17 yrs< 4/24/2 - 5/65/7 - 7/17/2 - 8/48/5 - 9/79/8 - 11/10> 11/11
18 - 25 yrs< 4/54/5 - 5/75/8 - 7/27/3 - 8/68/7 - 10/110/2 - 12/7> 12/7
26 - 35 yrs< 3/83/8 - 5/25/3 - 6/56/6 - 7/77/8 - 9/49/5 - 11/5> 11/5
36 - 45 yrs< 2/72/7- 3/73/8- 5/35/4 - 6/26/3 - 7/47/5 - 9/5> 9/5
46 - 55 yrs< 2/52/5 - 3/53/6 - 4/44/5 - 5/35/4 - 6/26/3 - 8/1> 8/1
56 - 65 yrs< 2/22/2 - 2/62/7 - 3/53/6 - 4/44/5 - 5/65/7 - 7/2> 7/2
> 65 yrs< 1/51/5 - 2/12/2 - 2/62/7 - 3/43/5 - 4/34/4 - 5/7> 5/7