The 2014 50 Day Weight Loss Challenge was our most successful ever with a combined total of 427kg lost. We would like to congratulate everyone who took part in the challenge for making a commitment to improve your exercise & eating habits and we hope that some, if not all of the positive changes you made stick with you far beyond the end of the weight loss challenge. 

A special congratulations to our winner Theo for losing an amazing 18.5kg & 15.57% of his body weight. Theo won a full year of personal training valued at over $2000.00 for his huge weight loss effort. Congratlations also to our very close runners up Scott who lost 15.3kg & 15.56% of his body weight and Elle who lost 15.9kg & 13.99% of her body weight. Our 2 runners up won 6 personal training sessions and 6 boot camp sessions. 

We would like to encourage everyone who has no yet reached their weight loss goal to keep on going and for those of you who have to maintain your great results. Thank you to everyone for being involved and supporting each other during the challenge. The 50 Day Weight Loss Challenge will back next year!

If you have any feedback about our 50 Day Weight Loss Challenge to help us improve for next year please email me (Dave) at