
Well done everyone who took part in the beep test on Saturday morning. It was a great turn out with some great results. Check out your score and use the table of norms below to get your ranking from 'fair' to 'superior' and help set a target for next time. 

  • Grant: 9.6
  • Owey: 8.2
  • Cassie: 6.7
  • Haley : 7.1
  • David F: 9.0
  • Steward: 8.1
  • David S: 9.6
  • Andy: 11.6
  • Gary: 8.10
  • Steve: 12.1
  • Glen: 7.8
  • Owen: 6.9
  • David M: 11.3
  • Joslyn: 6.8
  • Emily: 9.6
  • Patricia: 6.8
  • Simon: 9.11
  • Ben: 9.4
  • Graham: 9.10
  • Sam: 5.5
  • Howard: 9.1
  • Kaye: 4.4
  • Mich: 8.2
  • Stef: 5.0
  • JP: 10.2
  • David E: 11.4

fairbelow averageaveragegoodvery goodexcellentsuperior
12 - 13 yrs< 3/33/4 - 5/15/2 - 6/46/5 - 7/57/6 - 8/88/9 - 10/9> 10/9
14 - 15 yrs< 4/74/7 - 6/16/2 - 7/47/5 - 8/98/10 - 9/89/9 - 12/2> 12/2
16 - 17 yrs< 5/15/1 - 6/86/9 - 8/28/3 - 9/99/10 - 11/311/4 - 13/7> 13/7
18 - 25 yrs< 5/25/2 - 7/17/2 - 8/58/6 - 10/110/2 - 11/511/6 - 13/10> 13/10
26 - 35 yrs< 5/25/2 - 6/56/6 - 7/97/10 - 8/98/10 - 10/610/7 - 12/9>12/9
36 - 45 yrs< 3/83/8 - 5/35/4 - 6/46/5 - 7/77/8 - 8/98/10 - 11/3> 11/3
46 - 55 yrs< 3/63/6 - 4/64/7 - 5/55/6 - 6/66/7 - 7/77/8 - 9/5> 9/5
56 - 65 yrs< 2/72/7 - 3/63/7 - 4/84/9 - 5/65/7 - 6/86/9 - 8/4> 8/4
> 65 yrs< 2/22/2 - 2/52/6 - 3/73/8 - 4/84/9 - 6/16/2 - 7/2> 7/2

fair  below average averagegoodvery goodexcellentsuperior
12 - 13 yrs< 2/62/6- 3/53/6- 5/15/2 - 6/16/2 - 7/47/5 - 9/3> 9/3
14 - 15 yrs< 3/33/4 - 5/25/3 - 6/46/5 - 7/57/6 - 8/78/8 - 10/7> 10/7
16 - 17 yrs< 4/24/2 - 5/65/7 - 7/17/2 - 8/48/5 - 9/79/8 - 11/10> 11/11
18 - 25 yrs< 4/54/5 - 5/75/8 - 7/27/3 - 8/68/7 - 10/110/2 - 12/7> 12/7
26 - 35 yrs< 3/83/8 - 5/25/3 - 6/56/6 - 7/77/8 - 9/49/5 - 11/5> 11/5
36 - 45 yrs< 2/72/7- 3/73/8- 5/35/4 - 6/26/3 - 7/47/5 - 9/5> 9/5
46 - 55 yrs< 2/52/5 - 3/53/6 - 4/44/5 - 5/35/4 - 6/26/3 - 8/1> 8/1
56 - 65 yrs< 2/22/2 - 2/62/7 - 3/53/6 - 4/44/5 - 5/65/7 - 7/2> 7/2
> 65 yrs< 1/51/5 - 2/12/2 - 2/62/7 - 3/43/5 - 4/34/4 - 5/7> 5/7