
Congratulations Drive Fitness Tough Mudders for surviving Tough Mudder Sunshine Coast on Saturday. All Drive Fitness team members completed the course without injury and from all reports so far the obstacles and fitness component of the event were handled without too much difficulty. This is a credit to your hard work and preparation leading up to the event. Don't be fooled, Tough Mudder is HARD - if you found it comfortable you were just very well prepared to take on and overcome the challenge!

Thank you to the entire team for making it such a great occasion and so much fun. It was great to see small groups of Drive Fitness team members form and help each other through the obstacles. No one was left behind and no one finished alone. It was a shame to have a handful of team members sick or injured on the day but we look forward to regrouping for another similar event in the near future. 

Don't forget to claim back your team discount for being part of the Drive Fitness Tough Mudders. Click here for a direct link to the team discount claim page. If you have any Drive Fitness team Tough Mudder photos could you please email them to Thank you for being apart of the Drive Fitness team!
